The Spirit Shop

Friday, June 22, 2007

Tonight's Show

We are getting things together for the show this evening in Mount Laurel New Jersey. This will be my first show at the Doubletree suites. The show will run from 7 to 9:30 PM. We will head out of here around 5:30. This will give us enough travel time and set up time.

When Bob and I arrive at the Doubletree we will check the set up in the room. Then Bob and his Mom Pam will begin setting up registration. Doors will open at 6:30 this evening. We are expecting 50 people tonight and will also have tickets at the doors. Door tickets are $50.00 each. We only accept cash at the door.

I finished up-dating my blog all about the E. State today. Be sure to check that out.

When everything is set up tonight I will do a prayer and cleansing with some incense in the event room. This will bring in the positive energy. Then I will go and meditate for about 20 minutes before the event begins. I will also do a short prayer and meditation before we head out to the Doubletree. I'm sure it will be a great event this evening.

Take a moment to stop, breath and listen to your spirit.

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